DC Add-Sim's Something 2 Talk About MS
Call name "Buzz" red smooth male
DOB 1-16-11
Sire: BISS CH Criscross Obsidian MS
Breeder: Cliff Simones & Robbie Addison
Owner/Handler: Gloria LaTour
Total Points: 17 points both majors
Field Trial Points: DUAL CHAMPION two first placements...
12-15-13 4th out of 9 at MCDC with Ashley Dumas and Lori Isaacson judging. 2.2 pts
12-14-13 FIRST out of 11 at MCDC with Cheri Faust and Larry Golke judging.. 11points
11-23-13 4th out of 14 at HDC in Kirbyville, TX for 3.5 pts.
Buzz has two first placements towards his Field Championship He is there! He has started voicing on the scent line so I am thrilled...
Buzz Get and what a GREAT PRODUCER he is becoming. Buzz has put beautiful heads on all his get, wonderful harsh texture smooth coats and adds bone to all these dachshunds, VERY pleased with how he is producing. His get are starting in the show ring and the field and doing GREAT..HOPE to add letters to the end of his name with the accomplishments of his get. GO BUZZ BABIES.
CH Hidden Cedars Colors OutsideThe Lines MSB has her first towards her DUAL title ONLY needs 3/4 of a point to be a DUAL
Hidden Cedars Waitin 4 Winter MS needs 4.75 points to finish her Field Title
CH Hidden Cedars Jus What Ur Lookin 4 MS
CH Hidden Cedars Femme Fatale MS..Jezebell finished with THREE majors Thank you Monica Stensby
Hidden Cedars Easy Virtue MS...Virtue Canadian CH..
Hidden Cedars Sunrise Juan Red Hot Mama MS
CH Hidden Cedars Secret Negotiations MS finished with FOUR majors from the BBE Class
Hidden Cedars Confidential Contact MS
Hidden Cedars King Of 4 Play MS 10 pts with one major
AM/CA CH Hidden Cedars Big Bang From Texas MS
His show photos just did not do him justice so my brother took this great shot of him..
10-20-12 W/BW under Joan Anselm for a THREE POINT MAJOR in Belton, Tx. and DONE!!!
9-07-12 W/BW under Shelia Smith for a FIVE POINT MAJOR in Biloxi, MS..
8-12-12 W/BOS under D E Werderman for 2 points in Little Rock, Ar.
8-11-12 W/BW under Susan St John-Brown for 2 points in Little Rock, Ar.
5-05-12 W/BW under Luanne Williams for a single in Marshall, Tx
4-01-12 W/BW/OS under Robert Boothe for two points in Navasota, Tx
3-23-12 Winners Dog at the DFWDC Specialty for two points under Carol Ann Klein. Photo coming of Buzz and Fanny together as we won Winners Dog and Winners Bitch with our lovely Add-Sims dachshunds. Fanny is in front because she is shorter than Buzz.
2 days after he turned
6 months old..
7-31-11 WD for his first 2 pts under Luanne Williams in Longview, TX.
7-30-11 Buzz went BEST IN MATCH at Longview, TX at the fun match.. BOY that was fun!!!!!
Thank you to Cliff & Robbie for giving me the opportunity to purchase this lovely male. He is such a handsome fellow. He has such a nice head with nice underjaw, which so many are loosing these days. Great rear, beautiful angles, tight feet, good ribbing and keel and awesome personality.. such a wonderful little man. Thank you to ALL the great breeders that contributed to his pedigree. You know who you are!!
Buzz has the most beautiful head of any of my dachshunds. I have tried and tried to get a photo that shows how lovely it is and have not succeeded yet.. I am so very excited about this handsome funny funny fellow.
CH Criscross Meant To Be MSC |
CH Sunrise Add-Sims Guardian MS |
BISS CH Crisscross Obsidian MS |
CH Laurjoshs Southern Ecposure MS |
BISS CH Criscross Ixel Girl MS |
CH Criscross Foolish Talisman MSCP |
CH Add-Sims Something 2 Talk About MS |
CH Laurjosh Lexi At Criscross MS ROMX |
CH Add-Sims Gigolo MS ROM |
CH Poohdachs Own Dos MS ROM |
CH Add-Sims Vilma MS |
CH Han-Joes Wee Diana MS |
MBISS CH Sunrise Valerie MS |
BISS CH Add-Sims Good Time Charlie ROMX |
Grandgables African Sunrise MS ROMO |