Dachshund color expectations


Information below taken from the book THE DACHSHUND

Colours Mated Offspring Remarks
red x red all red Red is dominant to black and tan in Dachshunds
red x black and tan all red (carrying black and tan)
red (carrying blk/tan) x blk/tan 50% red (carrying blk/tan), 50% blk/tan
red (carrying blk/tan) x red (carrying blk/tan) 25% red, 50% red (carrying blk/tan), 25% blk/tan
blk/tan x blk/tan all blk/tan
chocolate x chocolate all chocolate
chocolate x blk/tan all blk/tan (carrying chocolate) black and tan is dominant to chocolate
chocolate x blk/tan (carrying chocolate) 50% blk/tan (carrying chocolate), 50% chocolate
blk/tan (carrying chocolate) x blk/tan (carrying chocolate) 25% blk/tan, 50% blk/tan (carrying chocolate), 25% chocolate
chocolate x red all red (carrying chocolate) red is dominant to chocolate
chocolate x red (carrying blk/tan) 50% red (carrying chocolate), 50% blk/tan (carrying chocolate) red and blk/tan are both dominate to chocolate
blk/tan (carrying chocolate) x red (carrying blk/tan) 25% red (carrying blk/tan), 25% red (carrying chocolate), 25% blk/tan (carrying chocolate), 25% blk/tan
blk/tan (carrying chocolate) x red (carrying chocolate) 25% red (carrying blk/tan), 25% red (carrying chocolate), 25% blk/tan (carrying chocolate), 25% chocolate
red (carrying chocolate) x chocolate 50% red (carrying chocolate), 50% chocolate
Coat Crosses Offspring Remarks
Smooth x long hair all smooth (carrying long hair) smooth is dominant to long hair coat
smooth (carrying long) x long hair 50% smooth (carrying long), 50% long
smooth (carrying long) x smooth (carrying long) 25% smooth, 50% smooth (carrying long), 25% long
wire x smooth all wire (carrying smooth) wire hair is dominant to smooth coat
wire x wire (carrying smooth) 50% wire, 50% wire (carrying smooth)
wire (carrying smooth) x wire (carrying smooth) 25% wire, 50% wire (carrying smooth), 25% smooth
wire x longhair all wire (carrying long) wire hair is dominant to long haired coat
wire (carrying long) x wire (carrying long) 25% wire, 50% wire (carrying long), 25% long
wire (carrying long) x long 50% wire (carrying long), 50% long
This section below was added by  Gloria LaTour  
Pattern Mated  
Piebald x Piebald 100% piebald litter
Piebald x Solid (not a piebald carrier) 100% solids all carry piebald
Piebald x Solid (carries piebald) part will be piebald and part will be solids that carry piebald I have had litters that had more than half piebald and I have seen litters that only had one piebald from this type breeding
Dapple X Solid solids and or dapples The dapple is NOT a gene that can be carried.  You have to have one immediate parent that is a dapple to produce dapples.
Dapple x Dapple solids, dapples and double dapples
Double Dapple x Solid all dapples

Contact call 936-661-6101  or email glatour@dachshundpups.com